Saturday, 24 October 2009

Candid portraits

Richmond Dervish
Paul tells me that an unposed portrait is a candid portrait. Here's a candid portrait from the summer, taken at a music festival in Richmond-on-Thames. I don't know who this young woman is and I hope she won't mind that I'm posting a photo of her on my blog. Lots of people took photos of her because she was dancing like a wild woman, and she had interesting hair. I think I captured her mood!

Woman with a Pearl Ear-ring
I'm very fond of the next picture, which to some extent was posed - so a half-posed, half-candid portrait. I was at Golders Hill Park and an old couple, both with motorised wheelchairs, had bought icecreams. I asked permission to take a photo of them. What I love about this woman is her attention to jewellery - as well as pearl ear-rings she sported a bejewelled pin on her hat, and was wearing two beautiful necklaces. I have the idea that she still makes a big effort to look pretty for her husband, probably after over 60 years of marriage. Or perhaps she makes the effort for the world, for us. I also like to think that you can tell by her smile that she's a contented person. Did I capture something about this woman?

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