Saturday, 28 November 2009


Am wondering if anyone can help me take better pictures. For example, the one below is a detail of Tower Bridge. The photographer must have been quite a long way away, so how did he (David Springfield) get such a clear image?

The next one, by Frederick Evans, is not out of focus but has this wonderful - I like it anyway - hazy effect - anyone know how to achieve this? Vaseline?

This one by Josef Sudek - how did he get the figures so clear?

And this one by Karel Brassai - well, did he have to get the couple to pose, I wonder. Which makes me wonder if we mightn't get together and be models for each other sometime - not in the classroom, but like this one, in a pub, or somewhere with atmosphere and interesting things like mirrors. If we took time to each decide what kind of photo we wanted and who we wanted to be in it - I won't be insulted if you don't want old wrinkly, especially if you want a snoggy picture - we could get really organized and do something constructive as a team.

Do tell me if you think I'm being too ambitious.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    some possible answers:

    The first Image - this would be on a tripod, aperture of say f22 for large DOF, Low ISO for low noise (or it could of been film) using large format.

    Second Image - This is an old image using film using Platinum Printing, which produces a lovely tonal range in a really delicate way

    Third image - this shot is old using film, possibly large format (5X4 inch negative which produces images of great tonal quality and sharpness)

    Fourth Image - a candid picture possibly, would of used i would think a Leica rangefinder camera which is very quiet and small.
